Ethanol fireplace Design can be a perfect solution for someone looking for more convenience and charming in their home. They don’t require a chimney and maintenance,no ash,no pollution.Such fireplace can produce a lot of light and warmth in the room. It’s fueled by 95-97% bio ethanol, that is ethyl alcohol. No smoke or ashes will be produced, that’s why it’s one of the most popular eco friendly options for heaters. They can be very portable too. Because the installation is not required, and size is small, you can instal such fireplace almost anywhere. The most common places are wall, table or floor. A lot of people are using them outdoors too. Perfect for your next barbecue event.

Additional benefit of these fireplaces is the look. No one can deny the modern and stylish look. Ethanol fireplaces create a very real and authentic fire. It looks similar to the one produced from wood fireplaces. The main drawback of this solution is the price. Most of such fireplaces may cost from $500 to even $3500. The price highly depends on the brand, features,design safety,after sale service.

Art firepalce manufactures a rich selection of ethanol fireplaces. Rectangular ethanol fireplace size with Ethanol firelace AF66–660mm to AF180–1800mm long.1800mm long ethanol fireplace is the longest. This variety can give you an option to select something just for you. What makes their products unique is an automated pumping system. Additionally, Art fire took extra care about security and safety. Inside each fireplace there are special detectors checking if everything works fine. If something won’t work correctly, the system will automatically shut off the fireplace.

If you want to learn more about ethanol fireplace,pls feel free to contact us!

Design Your Unique And Special Fire Space!

How to Select a Trendy and Best Looking Ethanol Fireplace