People frequently ask about the advantages of a bio ethanol fireplace over traditional wood-burning fireplaces.

It is eco friendly and what is bio ethanol?

It is an organic alcohol produced by the fermentation of plants, often sugar cane, wheat, or corn. It is considered a renewable energy. It is eco friendly in virtue of the neutral emission of CO2 during combustion. By neutral emission, I mean that the CO2 emitted by burning is the same quantity of CO2 absorbed by the plant while it is growing.

How to get ethanol?

Because ethanol is 100% alcohol, it cannot be sold just as it is. Ethanol producers de-nature ethanol with various substances for resale purposes, it is then called Denatured Ethanol. There are many sources to find denatured ethanol on line, but you will probably receive a good supply delivered with your fireplace. Subsequently you will have no problems finding suppliers as they are available everywhere including ebay.

Is it difficult to store?

It is not difficult to store ethanol, it is delivered in quart bottles, however, some precautions must be taken not to store within children reach, or close to a heat source. Garages and basements are ideal places to store your supply of ethanol.

What about a flue or an exhaust system?

A bio ethanol fireplace does not require a flue as it is ventless, it does not need any form of exhaust system, however, many people who have used the fireplaces in tight small spaces have sometimes reported headaches. Normally, the ethanol fireplace emits neither smoke nor odor. Unlike a traditional fireplace that loses 2/3 of the energy produced; a bio ethanol fireplace will give all its heat to the room where it is.

How much CO2 is produced by a bio ethanol fireplace?

When bio ethanol is burnt, there is some steam and some CO2 that is produced. The quantity of CO2 produced by the fireplace is equivalent of burning two candles.

Can it be used as an inexpensive space heater?

A normal fireplace uses on average 1 pint of ethanol per hour. An average burner will consume about 5 quarts for a ten-hour period, depending on the settings and produce the same amount of heat as two infrared space heaters. Prices for the fuel will vary depending on several factors such as suppliers and delivery rates.

Can I move my fireplace?

One of the great advantages of an ethanol fireplace is that it can be moved since there is no exhaust system in place. People who live in apartments can take their fireplace with them when they move.

How difficult is it to operate?

Once your fireplace is installed, it is very easy to operate and to maintain. The burner has its place, and you will fill the container with fuel. You should always wait for the fireplace to be cold to fill it, and ensure that no flame is present nearby when refilling the burner. Be careful not to overfill and not to spill. Ensure that you do not have fuel on your hands when you light the fire. Maintenance is easy and will depend on the type and brand of fireplace that you use.

Can I convert an old fireplace to ethanol?

Yes you can buy ethanol inserts for your old fireplace.

Will ethanol fireplaces fit any decor?

Yes designers have done a great job with ethanol fireplaces and while many modern fireplace designs are possible you certainly can buy an old fashioned fireplace to suit any decor you want.

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Advantages Of A Bio Ethanol Fireplace
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