For a traditional wood burning fireplace in home. I find it romantic, warming, and well… downright dirty. That’s right – DIRTY. They look great in photos. But what you don’t see is all the soot and ash generated by a wood fire place. Not to mention the dirt and potential insects brought in with the wood supply itself. And wood supply… that’s another whole discussion – don’t get me started… But I always put up with it as I felt the end result justified all the problems associated with a wood fire.
That was until I was introduced to modern, clean burning ethanol fireplaces. Ethanol fireplaces burn – you guessed it – Ethanol Fireplace Fuel. A specially denatured alcohol blend that is commonly referred to as ethanol fireplace fuel. But don’t confuse ethanol fireplace fuel with denatured ethanol which is sold as a solvent in paint or hardware stores. Denatured alcohol manufactured for use a solvent contains many impurities and denaturants, that if burned, can become harmful to your health. In fact some denaturants used in solvents are even carcinogenic when burned. So be sure to ONLY burn ethanol that is specifically formulated for use as Fireplace Fuel and designated as such on the container label.
Ethanol fireplace fuel is formulated to be clean burning. Let’s look more closely at that. Ethanol in its purest form (100 proof), aside from being illegal to sell (think “bootleggin”) is one of the cleanest burning fuels on the planet. The only exhaust created is CO2 , and water vapor. The same exhaust that occurs when we exhale, and in about the same amounts. When formulating a denatured alcohol for use as fireplace fuel, we need to be sure that the chemicals used to denature the ethanol are as clean burning as the ethanol itself. American Ethanol Company takes great pains to ensure their ethanol is totally clean burning. The same as pure 100% ethanol. So we ensure there are no toxins being produced from burning our high quality ethanol fireplace fuel. The only exhaust is – you guessed it – CO2 and Water Vapor. And our fireplace fuel has been tested by third party, independent laboratories to prove it.
Now that we have discussed air quality and health factors. Lets get back to cleanliness. An Ethanol fireplace fuel does not generate any Smoke. It does not produce any Ash, or any residue. Does not create any soot. And it burns odorless – so no smell. Its the ideal fuel for indoor burning.
One word of caution. Any open flame requires oxygen to burn. So while bio ethanol fuel is clean burning. It will deplete oxygen in a room. So if your house (and the room in particular where you fireplace is located) is a modern home and draft free. You may want to make certain a door to another larger area of your home is open, or that a window is cracked to let a bit of fresh air (and oxygen) back into the room. But this is generally not a problem. Especially in older homes which tend to not be so tightly sealed.
So to recap. Here are the Features that make ethanol fireplace fuel Clean Burning:
No Toxins emitted (only exhaust is CO2 and Water Vapor)
No Smoke
No Soot
No Ash or Residue
No Smell or Odor when burning
There you have it. And remember, Pure ethanol produces the highest quality ethanol fireplace fuel on the market online at the lowest cost. And its the safest for refueling. Its the only fuel with a flame arrestor in the bottle to prevent any chance of a flame or spark entering the bottle causing a potential flash or explosion.
We take great pride in producing a clean, green product which provides this added safety feature for you – the consumer. And remember, never let children handle the fuel or operate a fireplace. And always read all instructions and warnings on the fuel bottle as well as those provided by the manufacturer of your fireplace.