
Art Fireplace Technology Limited

Professional Engineers Team with more than 7 years working experiences To confirm the Production and Packaging served more than 10000 Clients.

In order to avoid unnecessary inconvenience, we advise you to read the operating instructions in the user guider carefully or consult the support section of this web site for additional support, before contacting us or your dealer.In the User Guider,there are many important message to be known! To obtain service within the warranty period please contact ART FIREPLACE TECHNOLOGY LIMITED  Consumer official Our contact details can be found on this official website. When no longer within warranty you can contact the nearest authorized Service Centre directly.
To be able to help you well and efficientlywhen you contact us or your dealer, please have available: the original invoice or cash receipt and the Model Number!These information is very important for you and us.Pls keep it in hand if necessary in the future for after sale repair.

Inspirations ecological fire: the mix of the cultures and the atmospheres

This adaptability allows the creators, the interior designers and home owners to be released from the installation constraints. They can thus create their projects with a design heath quite freely. The modern fire can be used in all the culture Designs decorations simply by embeding a remote controlled automatic bio ethanol burner fireplace insert.

Easy To Install,Easy To Use.

Contact Us


Art Fireplace is ready to help with whatever you need. To ensure you get a fast and considered response, please contact us via email – simply enter your details and we will get back to you in 1 hour.


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art ethanol fireplace AF100 With remote control


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Art intelligent ethanol burner AF Models




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Stunning Comfortable Living Room Ideas White Sofa Ethanol Fireplace